Monday, March 1, 2010

What we can do individually to protect the environment?

The habitats of polar bears are disappearing when the ice on the Arctic Ocean is melting away exponentially; the so called “the Heaven of the Globe”, namely Maldives is going to be submerged by the Indian Ocean. I felt heart-breaking when I read this news and knew they are caused by global warming.

Global warming has become a serious environmental problem that affects everybody. The direct consequence is the increase in the average temperature of the air and sea and the trend is anticipated to continue and even faster in the future. The rise of temperature will cause rise of sea level, retreat of glaciers, irregular precipitation, increasing intensity of extreme weather, species extinction and changes in agricultural yields. The reasons can be primarily attributed to emission of fossil fuel exhaust and deforestation. Scientists is exploiting new and green energy such as solar and wind energy to substitute the fossil fuel as well as improving burning efficiency to reduce emission of carbon dioxide, the main source accountable for global warming. As an ordinary person living on the earth, what can we do?

Probably the most accessible way is recycling because it’s a way of alleviating deforestation. Our mission is to know not only why of recycling, but also how and where. Survey has been conducted in 2009 to show increasing number of people made telephone call to inquiry the recycling locations, 12% more compared to that in 2008. Electronic tops the list as the most inquiring category for recycling, followed by hazardous objects, paper, metal and plastic. In terms of products, computer is the most-searched with batteries, televisions, paint, aluminum cans from the second to fifth place. Pertaining to states, Ohio is number eight which means it may be the eighth environmentally friendly state across the United States. This survey is carried out by Earth911, a company which provides recycling facility location and other information by set up toll-free, bilingual hotline, 1-800-CLEANUP;; free iPhone application, iRecycle; and partner websites.

I wonder whether you recycle the used or not, but please take actions now to save our planet. If everyone makes their own contribution, we all will make a truly big difference!

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