Saturday, March 13, 2010

Type without Hands and Talk without Sound

Typing with brain and talking with lip movement has been made possible.

Austrian biomedical firm was displaying an electroencephalography (EEG) device that lets people type with their brain, claiming the first commercial brain-machine interface for personal use. Comprising of EGG cap, display and computer, Intendix is designed specifically for the disable patients as long as their mind can function normally. Intendix functions by picking up the electrical activity on the surface of the brain and then transforming it into the information that is displayed on the screen. It can also speak the text, print the text or send an email if mandated. More advanced features are undergoing development.

Another prominent innovation by Researchers from Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a system that converts lip movement into synthesized speech, making the soundless calls potential. The technology called electromyography is applied to detect and record the electrical activity generated by muscles. When captured, the impulses are conveyed to a device that magnifies them and sends them to a computer. The signals will then be turned into text and voiced by a synthesizer. This technology is not only beneficial for the people with illness, but also for the astronauts who can’t communicate with each other in noisy environment in the space.

Both technologies enable people with disability to communicate like normal people and this is what we glad to see to make a better world!

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