Saturday, March 13, 2010

Type without Hands and Talk without Sound

Typing with brain and talking with lip movement has been made possible.

Austrian biomedical firm was displaying an electroencephalography (EEG) device that lets people type with their brain, claiming the first commercial brain-machine interface for personal use. Comprising of EGG cap, display and computer, Intendix is designed specifically for the disable patients as long as their mind can function normally. Intendix functions by picking up the electrical activity on the surface of the brain and then transforming it into the information that is displayed on the screen. It can also speak the text, print the text or send an email if mandated. More advanced features are undergoing development.

Another prominent innovation by Researchers from Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a system that converts lip movement into synthesized speech, making the soundless calls potential. The technology called electromyography is applied to detect and record the electrical activity generated by muscles. When captured, the impulses are conveyed to a device that magnifies them and sends them to a computer. The signals will then be turned into text and voiced by a synthesizer. This technology is not only beneficial for the people with illness, but also for the astronauts who can’t communicate with each other in noisy environment in the space.

Both technologies enable people with disability to communicate like normal people and this is what we glad to see to make a better world!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Train as Fast as Planes?

It’s a train as fast as airplanes. This is maglev, or magnetic levitation, a system of transportation that suspends and propels vehicles, typically train, at high speed. To achieve this, it applied two well-known maglev technologies—electromagenetic suspension and electrodynamic suspension, both of which utilize a large number of magnets for lift and propulsion. As a general rule, when two large magnets have relative movement, the magnetic induction lines are cut, generating electricity that propels the train at high speed without friction between train and track. This method has the potential to be faster and quieter than conventional transit systems.

The maglev has many advantages as well as disadvantages over the conventional train systems and airplanes. Because there is no friction between train and track, the maglev experience only air resistance and electromagnetic drag, which improves power efficiency. Besides, when maglev train is running, fewer noise is produced compared to traditional train systems since the only source of noise comes from the displacement of air. Moreover, electric trains release little carbon dioxide compared to airplanes which is environmentally friendly. The most exhilarating advantage is that the maglev is always punctual due to high speed.

Despite the advantages, the maglev has some shortcomings. The maglev train isn’t compatible with the conventional train track. Large expenditure has to be spent on building the track specifically designed for maglev. For most of the countries, city planner would rather use the TGV (French for “high speed train”).

The most notable commercial implementation of maglev train is probably the Transrapid train in Shanghai built by German, which achieves a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph), averaging 250 km/h (160 mph). Sitting on the stable train and watching the prosperity outside the train, I expect one day this technology will benefit human beings all over the world.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What we can do individually to protect the environment?

The habitats of polar bears are disappearing when the ice on the Arctic Ocean is melting away exponentially; the so called “the Heaven of the Globe”, namely Maldives is going to be submerged by the Indian Ocean. I felt heart-breaking when I read this news and knew they are caused by global warming.

Global warming has become a serious environmental problem that affects everybody. The direct consequence is the increase in the average temperature of the air and sea and the trend is anticipated to continue and even faster in the future. The rise of temperature will cause rise of sea level, retreat of glaciers, irregular precipitation, increasing intensity of extreme weather, species extinction and changes in agricultural yields. The reasons can be primarily attributed to emission of fossil fuel exhaust and deforestation. Scientists is exploiting new and green energy such as solar and wind energy to substitute the fossil fuel as well as improving burning efficiency to reduce emission of carbon dioxide, the main source accountable for global warming. As an ordinary person living on the earth, what can we do?

Probably the most accessible way is recycling because it’s a way of alleviating deforestation. Our mission is to know not only why of recycling, but also how and where. Survey has been conducted in 2009 to show increasing number of people made telephone call to inquiry the recycling locations, 12% more compared to that in 2008. Electronic tops the list as the most inquiring category for recycling, followed by hazardous objects, paper, metal and plastic. In terms of products, computer is the most-searched with batteries, televisions, paint, aluminum cans from the second to fifth place. Pertaining to states, Ohio is number eight which means it may be the eighth environmentally friendly state across the United States. This survey is carried out by Earth911, a company which provides recycling facility location and other information by set up toll-free, bilingual hotline, 1-800-CLEANUP;; free iPhone application, iRecycle; and partner websites.

I wonder whether you recycle the used or not, but please take actions now to save our planet. If everyone makes their own contribution, we all will make a truly big difference!

The cost of seeing your future

Would you like to see your future when you are born? The rapid advancement of molecular biology promises the possibility by the accomplishment of Human Genome Project. Human Genome Project was an international scientific biological research project designed to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs making up DNA and map roughly 20000-25000 genes of human genome. It started in 1990 and was completed in 2006, remaining one of the largest single investigational projects in modern science. Administering the genetic test can help people discover the predisposition to a variety of illness and accordingly take therapy to prevent the diseases. In addition, medicine innovation can be more effective when the functions of base pairs are unveiled because medicine can be designed to target the pairs which express the corresponding disease. Moreover, since the genome of each individual is unique, analysts can do research between the human and related species such as primates to explain the evolutionary theory.

This DNA sequencing technology is currently being used to read hundreds of genome bases that have or haven’t been sequenced. Latest news that hit the headlines read that a company called Complete Genomics has sequenced three human genomes for $4400 in materials. Interestingly, IBM research team also joined and hoped to reduce the cost of genetic testing to $100 per person. The number of followers is increasing.

At this rate of development, it has been widely predicted that the test for whole genome sequencing could be affordable and accurate enough for every newborn in a couple of years.

Undeniably, people will benefit from the astonishing technology which brings the benefit stated above. However, many people concern about the matter of privacy. Because of the low cost of the test, uncertainty of information disclosure and simple access of your genome sequence (a single strand of hair contains DNA and it may fall off wherever you go), disasters may come along. For example, insurance company may not extend insurance to you or employer may not hire you after they find you will be infected by diseases in the future through analyzing your genome test result. It’s horrible to further imagine what will happen. As early as the beginning of the Human Genome Project, the ethical, legal and social issues such as these has been addressed and a large amount of fund has been invested to do this job. To prevent these, it not only requires strict regulations, but also more importantly raises the awareness of the public to make them do the right thing.

Hopefully I believe tomorrow will be better!