Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is Cancer cure promising?

Cancer, as we know, is a class of incurable diseases that kill millions of people every year and there is no curable medicine up to date. In 2008, scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ovarian Cancer Institute developed a potential treatment to fight cancer using magnetic nanoparticles. They did experiment on mice to make the nanoparticles not only attach to cancer cells, but also remove the cells. More inspiringly, the nanoparticles proved working well at capturing cancer cells from human patient samples. This research outcome shows the cure for cancer is promising.

According to the lead researcher Ken Scarberry, the fatality of cancer is not ascribed to the original tumor but the tumors that are established by cancer cell exfoliating from the original tumor. In other words, it’s the mobility of cancer cells that threaten the health of people, so the scientists came up with the idea to target cancer cells rather than the tumors.

The research is undergoing a crucial point where researchers begin applying their techniques to live animals to test whether it works; if it does, then they will test on the real people. After this, the possibility exists that the same method could be used not just on ovarian cells, but across other cancers and pathogens.

It’s seems we are getting closer and closer to the day when the cancer can be cured. We human being will be better off when the cancer medicine becomes readily available and nobody will suffer from the misery that cancer bring!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that one day there will be a significantly better approach to curing cancer with nearly 100% cure rate. It is a diesese that attacks many people that are not deserving and just in my family has attacked 3 people.
